Angela Licata » Sight Word Activities

Sight Word Activities


*Below is a list of fun ways to practice your sight words each week. Please feel free to be flexible and do the activities whatever day they work for you.  The important thing is that you practice ALL of your words every day!  There is a link for directions at the bottom if you need to see an explanation. Have fun!


Monday-Rainbow write your new words along with any other your teacher assigns or tells you to.


Tuesday- Scavenger Hunt-place the sight words you are working on around your house and see if you can find them!


Wednesday-Sight word ‘HOP”-write sight words on cards or paper and then hop on the word an adult/sibling calls out.


Thursday-  Karate Spell your sight words like in the video below:


Friday- Fun Friday-choice day- Write words in shaving cream, outside in dirt with a stick, nerf gun fun-shoot them with nerf blasters, play sight word swat with a spatula or fly swatter!


Rainbow writing:


Shaving cream fun:


Nerf blaster fun:


Fly swatter/spatula fun: