About Taunton
Welcome to Taunton School!
Taunton School is a nurturing learning community committed to preparing the "whole child". Every child entering our school is important to us and deserves the very best education we can offer. Taunton students participate in a wide array of activities to enrich, encourage, and support solid academic achievement while fostering students' social and emotional skills. We strive to motivate and challenge all students to reach their maximum potential, preparing them to meet the requirements of the 21st century.
Guided by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, Taunton School educators stress the attainment of academic skills, while promoting communication and thinking skills. Instructional practices are guided by the Workshop Model. This classroom structure pushes students to be creative and responsible in their own learning. Through this approach, teachers are engaged with students individually or with small groups, facilitating and assisting in their understanding, while also providing individualized support. Students who are engaged in the Workshop Model are actively learning the material and concepts they need to master throughout the year. Students’ skills are measured through STAR assessments, Fountas and Pinnell benchmarks, FUNdations assessments, writing and reading unit assessments, and a variety of informal assessments.
Taunton continues to take pride in the inclusive learning environment offered to students. Students are equipped with iPads in every classroom (the entire K-8 district is 1:1), enhancing students’ learning opportunities across all content areas. In Reading, students can practice their skills through online programs and applications such as Scholastic Literacy Pro and Raz-Kids. Through the Savvas Realize Math program, students have all of the resources they need online, including access to digital Math tools. Science concepts are taught using the Mystery Science web-based program. Students have the opportunity to continue their learning outside of school, having access to many of the in-school programs. Additionally, students are afforded the opportunity to practice their skills through such programs over the summer. These technology-driven academic experiences help to make learning opportunities fun and engaging for our young learners.
Taunton School possesses “Silver Level Certification” as well as “Digital Schools Star Recognition” through Sustainable Jersey for Schools. Participation in this program allows our students to learn about sustainable practices. Through the knowledge gained through classroom lessons and school projects, our young learners are actively preparing to address sustainable issues that will impact the future.
The partnership between supportive parents and a dedicated staff provides students with educational experiences that make their school years fun and memorable. Taunton School is fortunate to have the support of a dedicated Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA not only provides age-appropriate family activities and enriching cultural arts experiences, but the organization also supports many educational programs within the school. Due to the tremendous support of the PTA, Taunton has two playgrounds, two Sensory Pathways, an amazing Book Room, an updated MakerSpace in the Media Center, and much more.
Taunton students demonstrate positive behavior and good principles. Taunton’s Character Education Program, Eagles S.O.A.R., promotes Safety, Ownership, Attitude, and Respect in all aspects of the school day. Through this program, students are recognized in a variety of ways for their positive behavior.
Taunton students participate in Social and Emotional learning time with their peers each day. Students are explicitly taught the “social rules” of communication, friendships, feelings, manners, body language, etc. during class meetings. Students have the opportunity to role play and practice these skills so that they are better able to navigate situations as they arise. Taunton’s School Counselor provides tips and strategies to parents regarding students’ social and emotional wellness on a monthly basis through The Taunton Times, Taunton’s social and emotional newsletter.
Taunton students enter the school each morning with happy faces and eager attitudes, often running off of the bus to their classes. This is not by chance! Taunton School is a positive environment where students, staff, and parents are dedicated and committed to working together to prepare our children to become successful, contributing members of our 21st century society.
Mrs. Brooke Napoli, Principal and Mrs. Terri Cooney, Vice Principal